Thursday, 19 April 2012

James had an exciting physio session yesterday!  He got to use the walking sling for the first time and took his first half a dozen steps since the accident!  The physio team here is amazing!  They are working with James for about an hour 5 days a week.  I am hoping for more of the walking sling today.  I was telling James that I think I already see some muscle coming back in his legs after just one week of physio!  Speech and Language came and assessed James yesterday too.  She will come back again on Friday.  She worked on figuring out a system for yes and no,  and helping him force sounds out when he wants.  She took a look at his swallow reflex too,  and said that he is trying and can swallow but it is still a little early to do swallow test because his swallowing is still a bit delayed and inconsistant.  She seemed to think that it wouldnt be long before he would be ready for the rehab in Alberta.  She talked about some amazing work that they just did with a Campbell River Client of hers a year ago.
Found out a few days ago that James car is being used by the PARTY program at the hospital here.  I am upset that it is known by the youth involved that it is his car and they are then assuming that drugs or alcohol were involved (which they definitely were not!) .  I also have not seen the car an dont want to, and am very anxiety ridden over coming across it at the hospital.  Well yesterday I heard them paging the head of the PARTY program over the PA at the hospital and told the nurses about the car,  they looked outside for me and it may have been his car being used.  The Social worker went and spoke to the lady who heads the program, and she says that she cant guarantee that it wont be there again next time as she is not in charge of the vehicle used.  It sounds like the social worker will look into who is involved in what vehicle is used and try to ensure that it doesnt come back.  What a day!  From a super high with James' first steps to high anxiety and fear of leaving the building with his car being there!


  1. That's wonderful about the step sling thing. Sounds really exciting. That is awful though about the car!
    If anybody can stop then from using it, I have faith that it's you.
    Is James out of his coma now?

  2. Oh gee, that' tough about the car, especially since everyone knows it wasn't anything like that. I'm glad he's doing better. Alberta is such a long ways away. Is it close to Ally's? I can only imagine how difficult this is for you and your family. You and your family are still in our prayers.
