Well, James finally moved off of ICU yesterday! Another up of the day was, that he smiled a crooked little smile at me, and then he did it for his silly nurses too. They were teasing each other and he thought that was pretty entertaining. I
I ended up sleeping at the ward with him last night though. He bit his tongue again in the evening, and I was really not comfortable with the staffing levels. Today though, I told them how I was feeling and they brought another nurse on to be with James only for at least the next 24 hours, maybe longer, then we will reassess the situation.
There was suposed to be OR time for the surgeon to put his bone flap back in yesterday, but it didnt happen because there was a surgery in before him that ran overtime, the surgeon is hoping for OR time today, but it may not happen until Friday.
What great news that he's out of ICU!!!!! I am so, so happy for you guys. And I'm really glad that they listened to you and got a nurse for even a short while.