Monday, 13 February 2012

James almost made it off of ICU today....there is even a bed sitting in the hallway with his name on it to go up to the ward .....and then he bit his tongue again.  He should stop biting his tongue as he becomes more aware.  For now it looks like he may have to get his jaw wired shut until this passes.  He will be a few more days in ICU until they are sure that this problem is resolved. 

On the up side,  he sat in his wheelchair by the window for 3 hours today.  The nurses are letting him listen to the radio during the day.  He seems to enjoy it.  When Sarah and I went to say goodnight to him tonight he was listening to the radio and he started to really move his feet around,  when the song stopped he stopped too! 

1 comment:

  1. Heee Heee he's dancing. Glad to hear it. I miss him so much. Can't wait for him to get better.
