Saturday 14 March 2015

Courtenay March 14, 2015!

         I have been terrible at blogging!  We got home from Alberta on December 22.  It has been a crazy few months.  James' one on one support was cancelled while we were away,  so I have been scrambling to figure that out so I can go back to work.  My position at my job as attendent on the special needs bus was taken while I was away.  So I am the fill in position.  I haven't been getting much work lately,  but it has been a full time job just trying to get my little family sorted out!   James will be getting a bit of one to one support starting in April,  and he has part time hours at a day program too.  So it will work out.
         James is going to physio once a week and excersise therapy twice a week.  He has been going to a computer course at the college once a week.  Tristan has been going to his course with him to help him if he needs it.  James has been going to theraputic riding once a week too.  He is very nervous on the horse,  but it seems to be helping his balance a bit, and the staff and volunteers there are amazing.
          James purchased himself a little power scooter chair.  He loves it.  He seems to be feeling a bit more confident in his walking since he got it.  I figure that it is because it gives him a bit more independence since he doesn't have to rely on someone to push him up hills.  It can come apart to put in the vehicle,  and only weighs about 60 lbs.  I have been using a piece of plywood for a ramp and putting it into the van in one piece though.   He also got a new walker that is also a wheelchair.  The wheelchair part is not very comfortable,  but at least he can be pushed if he is walking and gets tired.  It makes it a little easier to take him out with just the walker.  It is lightweight and folds nicely in half, so it is easy to take in the vehicle.  It is also a bit wider and longer than his first walker so it is more stable. 
        James had an appointment with the ear, nose and throat doctor on  Saltspring Island last week.  It was a beautiful trip and there are some amazing places to get food on Saltspring!  We usually see that doctor in Vancouver,  but he was doing a clinic on Saltspring.  It was a much more pleasant trip than Vancouver!  He feels that there is a surgery that will help James' speech clarity a lot!  We are waiting for a referral to the surgeon now.  The plan is to take part of his soft palate and attach it to the back of his throat.  This will make it so that it takes a lot less effort to close the area between his mouth and nose for speech.  The muscles in his throat that close that valve are weak, so instead of having to close a large hole, He will be closing two small holes,  on either side of the flap of soft palate that they attach to back of his throat.  The doctor feels very confident that this will make a huge difference this speech clarity.  
        It is so nice to be home and back together as a family!  Even though it has been a struggle to get supports back in place for James since we got back,  at least I have my family!  The weather hasn't been that rough to deal with either! Vancouver island is definitely paradise!  

Saturday 8 November 2014

Ponoka November 8th, 2014

Winter is arriving here in Ponoka this weekend.  It has been a beautiful fall,  but the snow started falling this weekend.  We did all our shopping and I gassed up the van yesterday,  so the plan this long weekend is to stay warm inside!

James had a great time at Halloween.  There was a Halloween dance on the Wednesday evening before Halloween,  and James dressed up in his usual old costume.  It is a freaky death costume with glowing eyes.  He loves it.  The dance was great.  Lots of fun.  James got out there and danced In His chair a few times and he danced one song with me helping him, out of his chair.  Most of the therapists dressed up,  and each group of therapist dressed in a theme. James' thrapists were all characters from the game, Clue. One of the other  therapist groups were all muppets,  and the teachers in the classroom were all Star Trek characters.  It was fun.

James has been doing fantastic at speech.  He is still difficult to understand,  but way better than he was!  His speech therapist also feels that he is now a good candidate for palatal surgery.  They would add some bulk to the back of his palate so that he can close the nasopharyngeal port ( the space between your nose and mouth at the back of your throat) with less effort.  This will really help with his speech clarity.  

James has a discharge date being talked about now.  They are talking about just before Christmas.  So we would probably head back on the 19 th or 20 th of December!  There are a few glitches though.  All the supports that I fought so hard to get started back home for James,  have been completely cancelled!  I was told that we have to start at the beginning and go through the application process all over again.  It took me a year of nagging and fighting to get the supports going last time!  If we can't get this sorted out before we go home,  I may have to quit my little job on the bus to stay home.  The social worker here, is going to help by seeing if we can appeal the decision they made to totally drop him from the funding.  Nothing is ever easy.  

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Ponoka October 7, 2014

James now has a private room.  He was having a tough time having a roommate.  His roommate swore sometimes,  never at James though.  Nice kid,  just occasionally swore.  James gets quite annoyed at swearing and was not happy.  He is much happier in his own room.  There have been quite a few people leaving to go home,  and there are quite a few empty rooms right now.  

James' speech is coming along really nicely!  We had the sister missionaries over for dinner this weekend,  and James was able to carry on a conversation with them without my help!  It was awesome!  It did help a little that they know finger spelling,  but they didn't really have to rely on it.  They understood most of his speech.  There is a sister in our ward in Lacombe who communicates through finger spelling,  so there are actually quite a few people who know the ASL alphabet from her.  

James is doing well in physio too.  He is practicing stepping over things and balancing with an obsticle course.  The physiotherapist helps by holding on to his waist for support and he has to reach down and pick things up,  walk on a balance beam on the floor,  jump on a mini trampoline and step on and over different things.  His balance is definitely improving,  just slowly.  Last night James took his walker and he and I walked out to the main hallway and he got a root beer at the vending machine.  He put the change in and reached down and got the pop can out himself.

James made a really nice little change purse in leather works.  He is very proud of it.  He has also been loving getting out on the recumbent trike at the center while the weather is still good.  
We went with the church youth, to the Lacombe corn maze a few weeks ago.  It was so much fun!  They have farm animals there and there is a little track with some pedal powered tractor/ bikes.  James loved them!

James has been working on his paragraph writing while working through a workbook in his school time. I was pretty proud of his paragraph he wrote about his rehab...these are his own words...

Saturday 6 September 2014

Ponoka September 6, 2014

James is excited to be getting a new roommate at the center next week!  He will likely have the room to himself for a few days until his new roomie arrives. The new fella is 17,  so James is hoping that he will have some similar interests.  His last roommate was in his 60s so James is happy to have a young roommate!

There is another young man from BC on the unit next to James unit.  He is at a similar level to James!   Last weekend James and I met up with him and his mom and had breakfast at A&W.  It was very nice.  

Physio now has James walking with the therapist helping on his ribs or hips from behind,  while the assistant helps James carry a laundry basket with weights in it!  His balance is slowly but surely improving,  but I am not sure that he will be walking independently by the time we go home,  I am hopeful,  but I think it will depend on how long they let him stay.  The biggest hurdle he has to walking independently is his balance.  

We had a group conference a few weeks ago.  The team is planning on asking for an extension of 2-4 months.  James' four month funding will end at the end of October,  and if they get the extension,  that will put him to the end December or February.  We will see if he gets another extension after that.  

In recreation therapy James painted another ceramic dragon in his ceramics class, and now he has moved to working on a leather change purse in leather works.  He also sometimes goes for bike rides on the three wheel bike,  and I have started taking him to the pool two evenings a week.

Speech has added an assistant working with James,  and he is also part of a speech group.  Some days he has an hour of speech time,  some days up to two hours!  
The last batch of resumes I put out were very successful.  Out of 6 resumes,  I got call backs on 4!  I did take a job at a hotel,  but it caters to a pretty rough crowd, and after 3 days I decided that it wasn't for me.  I ended up getting a job as an assistant on a special needs bus,  with the same company I worked for back home!  They just transferred my files!  It is different in that it is all very high functioning kids.  They mostly have behavoural issues.  It is going well though.  The driver picks me up outside the apartment and drops me back off after!  Spoiled or what !  

I am excited to be able to see Mark next month!  He is going to come out for our anniversary.  We haven't seen each other since James and Sarah and I left in June!  He is going to drive out and pull our trailer back home.  I was hoping to sell it out here,  but it is the wrong time of year.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Ponoka August 9, 2014

James is now making his own breakfasts at the center during the week.  Physio is walking him to lunch,  and I go and walk him to dinner.  I am finding that I am understanding his speech more,  and his balance is getting better.  In physio they are working on strengthening his core when he walks.  They are awesome at keeping things interesting and thinking outside the box.  Sometimes James walks on the treadmill.  He has a harness on so he doesn't have to worry about falling,  and they have him walk,  while holding a badminton racket and swinging at rags that they throw to him!  Also twice  a week when there is a physio assistant working with him too,  they walk with a walking pole.  He is getting better at it, and they are able to give him a little less support each time.  Yesterday he got to try out their recumbant trike.  It has two wheels in the front and one in the back.  He did very well and they said that they are totally comfortable taking him outside with it next time.  James has painted a ceramic dragon in recreation therapy and is working on another one!  

We moved out of the trailer and into an apartment last weekend!  I got our furniture at the thrift shop.  I sure found some great treasures!  We still need mattresses, but I am planning on going into red deer today and looking at foam mattresses at Jysk.  They are comfortable and much cheaper than a regular mattress! Next week I am planning on getting out and job hunting again.  I am hoping that I will have more luck now that I have a local address and phone number.  

Friday 11 July 2014

Ponoka July 10/2014

We have been in Ponoka for a couple of weeks now.  James is settling into the brain injury center nicely, and his therapies are really getting going.  All the therapies here really work together, very much more than they did in Vancouver.  Some of his therapists will be walking with him with his walker from one therapy to the next,  and soon he will be starting the walk to lunch program.  The nurses or therapy assistants will be supervising his walking to the lunch room.  He is also on a list to start the breakfast club.  He will go to a therapy kitchen in the morning and they will help him make his own breakfast 5 days a week!  There is a school room at the center,  and James goes there 3 hours a week. He is working on his math skills and idea generation.  They are also working closely with speech to encourage his speaking and intelligibility while they work on his school goals.  I am very impressed with the programs here so far!  The therapists are very thorough and I love how it is truly a team approach.  It is a very relaxed, atmosphere on the unit and the staff all seem happy and they all seem very passionate about what they do.  James spends the weekends with Sarah and I at our trailer.  It has been a very interesting experience camping here though!  We arrived at the beginning of the Ponoka Stampede,  and the town was packed,  not to mention nightly concerts, fireworks and parties going on all around us for the first week we were here.  I am so glad that is over!  Now we fall asleep listening to the coyotes in the evenings.  The July storms have started and we have experienced a few Alberta thunder, lightening , wind and hail storms!  Needless to say,  we are actively looking for a sturdier place to live in than our tent trailer!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

May 27 th 2014

Just a very quick post.  James' funding for the Halvar Jonson Center in Ponoka, Alberta has been approved!  He is officially on the waiting list and is likely to get a bed sometime in June!  It all just became very real!  Time to go get organized!