Saturday, 6 September 2014

Ponoka September 6, 2014

James is excited to be getting a new roommate at the center next week!  He will likely have the room to himself for a few days until his new roomie arrives. The new fella is 17,  so James is hoping that he will have some similar interests.  His last roommate was in his 60s so James is happy to have a young roommate!

There is another young man from BC on the unit next to James unit.  He is at a similar level to James!   Last weekend James and I met up with him and his mom and had breakfast at A&W.  It was very nice.  

Physio now has James walking with the therapist helping on his ribs or hips from behind,  while the assistant helps James carry a laundry basket with weights in it!  His balance is slowly but surely improving,  but I am not sure that he will be walking independently by the time we go home,  I am hopeful,  but I think it will depend on how long they let him stay.  The biggest hurdle he has to walking independently is his balance.  

We had a group conference a few weeks ago.  The team is planning on asking for an extension of 2-4 months.  James' four month funding will end at the end of October,  and if they get the extension,  that will put him to the end December or February.  We will see if he gets another extension after that.  

In recreation therapy James painted another ceramic dragon in his ceramics class, and now he has moved to working on a leather change purse in leather works.  He also sometimes goes for bike rides on the three wheel bike,  and I have started taking him to the pool two evenings a week.

Speech has added an assistant working with James,  and he is also part of a speech group.  Some days he has an hour of speech time,  some days up to two hours!  
The last batch of resumes I put out were very successful.  Out of 6 resumes,  I got call backs on 4!  I did take a job at a hotel,  but it caters to a pretty rough crowd, and after 3 days I decided that it wasn't for me.  I ended up getting a job as an assistant on a special needs bus,  with the same company I worked for back home!  They just transferred my files!  It is different in that it is all very high functioning kids.  They mostly have behavoural issues.  It is going well though.  The driver picks me up outside the apartment and drops me back off after!  Spoiled or what !  

I am excited to be able to see Mark next month!  He is going to come out for our anniversary.  We haven't seen each other since James and Sarah and I left in June!  He is going to drive out and pull our trailer back home.  I was hoping to sell it out here,  but it is the wrong time of year.

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