Thursday, 10 May 2012

It has definetely been difficult to find time to update the blog lately!  James keeps me pretty busy!

 He is in the classic agitated and confused stage of his recovery.  He is very territorial of his room!  Especially when it comes to staff.  He seems to be having difficulty telling the difference between staff and visitors,  so visitors are pretty much just family for the time being.  We dont know how long this stage will last,  hopefully not too much longer,  because it is tough on us!  Most of his care has been being done by me, on my own,  because he gets very agitated when staff come near him.  He is getting much more coordinated each day and more alert each day too!  It is a bit like trying to dress an octopus in the morning!  Yesterday when I arrived in the morning I found that he had pulled the end off of his feeding line,  and his whole feed was on him and the bed and floor rather than being in him! Thank goodness it was just the end of the tube because at first I thought that he had pulled his tube out! So I started my day by giving him a bed bath,  changing and washing his bed and him and cleaning the floor around his bed! 

He seems to something new everyday.  Today he became obsessed with his socks and managed to pull them off using his hands a couple of times!  He is scratching his head and repositioning his glasses on his own now too!  All these little tiny things that we all take for granted are now huge exciting accomplishments! 


  1. Great to hear from you again about James & his progress! It must be tough on you, Dawn, and also on Mark, Tristan & Sarah, who get less of your attention because of James's needs.

    Keep up the blogs, we enjoy reading them. I especially liked "It is a bit like trying to dress an octopus"!

  2. Sorry this is so tough on you, but it is good to hear he is making such progress! I think about you often and know you are more than stretched right now; I don't want to add to your already heavy burden in any way. I just wanted you to know you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good Mother's Day!
