Sunday, 4 March 2012

I have been reminded that I haven't blogged in almost a week! I think everything has really started to hit me this week.  I had a rough couple of days.  Life is not going to be "normal"  for a long time, I am tired and I miss my big strong boy.  The last couple of days I have been feeling a bit better,  and I think that the key is really making sure I take time to care for me.  It is hard to remember to keep myself healthy both physically and spiritually!  My best buddy from Edmonton came out to visit and I am looking foreward to spending a bit of time with her. James had a busy couple of days.  He had visits from Grandparents and girlfriend.  He really seems to brighten up when his girlfriend comes to visit.  He gave Grampa George and Robin a smile when they visited.  He has had more frequent and longer aware times this last couple of days.  We have been reading a book to him about unusual animal friendships,  and he really looks at the pictures intently.   The staples from his last surgery should be coming out tomorrow. 


  1. Robin, thank you for blogging. I don't know how you do it but you are an inspiration.
    I check here often to see how you and the family are doing because I don't want to infringe. Your blog entries mean so much to my little family.
    I can only imagine the range of emotions you must be feeling and I wish we were closer so that I could better lend emotional support but please know that we continue to pray daily for your strength, peace, courage and healing for James.
    Much Love; Lori, Hannah and Daniel

  2. Sometimes the hardest thing is to take care of yourself, especially when someone you love and is a part of you needs your help. You are a strong family. Paul and I continually keep you and your family in our prayers.
