Yesterday was an exciting day! The feeding tube came out! As we were waiting for the doctor, James said that he was really nervous, then he said terrified. When the doctor came in she told him that it is really more of a lot of pressure than pain, he wanted to hold my hand and then it was done! He didn't even get time to react to it! He said that it really didn't hurt and it wasn't a bad as he thought it would be. We are all so happy to see that tube gone! No stitches or anything. The hole just collapses on itself and is pretty much healed up in just a couple of days! The site looks great today and we just left the dressing off today. After the tube was taken out we went up to the floor where James was for 3 months when he was in the hospital here. We saw lots of familiar faces and James enjoyed showing off for them!
We went camping for the first time in two years this past long weekend. James enjoyed himself and spent very little time in his chair. The fact that it doesn't fit into the trailer helped! He went canoeing and did some awesome paddling. He practiced some kayak paddling in the lawnchair on the beach too. I am going to do some exploring specialized kayaks to see if we can get him a kayak with pontoons. He has been talking about how he misses kayaking.
We are getting excited about going to GF Strong in August!